사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

What is Business Registration Number? The business registration number is a unique business number assigned to a newly opened business. It is a number indicated on the business registration certificate for convenient tax purposes, and is a number that is essential for tax invoices or receipts. Ten numbers are written in the form XXX-XX-XXXXX, where … Read more

신협 인터넷뱅킹 Credit Union Internet Banking

The Credit Union Internet Banking website provides information on internet banking interest rates, national credit union search, deduction, deposit, card, depositor protection system, introduction to credit unions, and counseling information such as Giro. Go to the Shinhyup Internet Banking website: http://www.cu.co.kr/cu/main.do In order to use Shinhyup Internet Banking to perform banking operations such as account … Read more

국비 지원 교육 종류 Types of government-funded education

In order to support jobless people and young people in finding employment, the government is providing free education supported by the government. If you receive government subsidy, you can get vocational training and succeed in getting a job. So, let’s find out what is free education subsidized by the government and how to apply for … Read more