LG 세탁기 서비스센터 LG washing machine service center

This is the LG Electronics service center phone number and how to apply for AS. This is a service center for all LG Electronics home appliances, including refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, and dryers.

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1 LG Electronics service center phone number summary
1.1 Tips for connecting to an LG Electronics service center counselor LG 세탁기 서비스센터
1.1.1 LG Electronics business trip AS
1.2 LG Electronics AS Fee
1.2.1 LG Electronics warranty period
LG Electronics Service Center Phone Number Summary 좋은뉴스

LG 세탁기 서비스센터

Product/Service Inquiries: 1544-7777
Counselor Connection Hours: Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00
The phone number of LG Electronics representative service center is 1544-7777. You can inquire about LG Electronics home appliances, breakdowns during use, and service.

Service center operating hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. Closed on weekends and public holidays.

Tips for connecting to an LG Electronics service center counselor
When calling the LG Electronics service center, they are told to press 1 for visual ARS and 2 for talking ARS. If you don’t answer, it goes to talking ARS. If you don’t say anything and wait here, it goes to pressing ARS. At this time, simply press the desired consultation service number below.

1: Center Information
2: washing machine, vacuum cleaner
3: refrigerator, water purifier
4: Air conditioner, air purifier
5: TV audio
6: dryer
7: cell phone, bluetooth
8: PC, monitor
9: other products
0: Connect with a counselor
If you want to go directly to the counselor connection, press 0. Talking ARS would be convenient, but they didn’t guide me to connect to a counselor right away. I think it would be nice to know how to connect ARS by pressing it because it turns around while telling me about the symptoms.

LG Electronics business trip AS
Usually, AS application is taken directly to the LG service center and applied when it is difficult to receive repairs. This applies to installed products such as TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. If it is a small and light product, you can visit the service center in the LG Digital Plaza near your home and get it repaired.

In fact, when you apply for an AS visit, you designate the desired date and make an exact time appointment with the visiting driver.

LG Electronics AS Rate

If you apply for business trip AS, it is free if it falls under the free AS time, but after that, travel expenses will be incurred. Even if you do not make repairs, you will have to pay the travel expenses. Currently, the LG Electronics AS travel fee is KRW 18,000. However, if you visit after 18:00 on weekdays or on Sat/Sun/holidays, the fee is 26,000 won.

Therefore, when calling a business trip AS, if the free AS period has passed, at least KRW 18,000 plus a repair fee or parts replacement fee will be added. So, first of all, check if it is during the free AS period and apply for AS.

Basic travel expenses: KRW 18,000
Weekdays after 18:00, Sat/Sun/Holidays: KRW 26,000
Read more: Shinhan Life Insurance customer center phone number, counselor connection information
LG Electronics warranty period
Classification Warranty Period Remarks
General products 1 year Mobile phones, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, humidifiers, PCs, monitors, printers, etc.
Seasonal product 2 years Air conditioner, fan, radiator, heater, etc.
LED bulb 6 months –
LG Electronics website customer center link: https://www.lge.co.kr/support