혈액형 궁합 blood type compatibility

Blood type compatibility culture in Korea

Blood type is used by many people, especially in Korea, to match personality and compatibility between men and women. You can think of it as a concept similar to the western way of looking at compatibility by horoscope. In Korea, rather than the Western culture of constellations, we simply talk about blood type compatibility with each other. For reference, I’m a type five, but personally, I don’t really like people with the same type five. Of course, there is a limit to simply classifying everyone with a few blood types, but sometimes, when I think about it, I think that this blood type fits well. Of course, each person feels different, so there is a big difference in the importance of blood type in deciding who to date or meet with blood type. 혈액형 궁합

혈액형 궁합


Blood type – type A, type B, type 5, type AB 좋은뉴스

Based on the simple disposition or personality of the four blood types, and the blood type of the opposite sex that suits them best, we summarize the contents. The order is A, B, 5, and AB, and each blood type is again divided into male and female. It can be easily seen with the blood type compatibility table, but I chose this configuration so that there is more explanation. So let’s start with A.

Type A (type A)

type A male
Usually, men with blood type A are introverted, but they are friendly and charming. They have a thorough concept of time and a tendency to keep promises, so they put a lot of effort and energy into almost everything they want to do. He tends to be somewhat sensitive and weak to compassion, and takes longer to build trust, open up to a relationship with someone new, or fall in love compared to other blood types.

type A woman
Conceited and somewhat greedy, the Type A woman tends to insist on her own way. She is not one to adapt very easily to change and is a blood type that is not easy to please. But once she builds trust with her partner, she tends to sacrifice a lot for that person. She can also easily feel jealous or betrayed if her significant other goes against her own expectations.



Best Blood Type Compatibility with Type A – Type O



B type (B type)

type B male
B-type men are known to be hot-tempered and have the most flirtatious temperament even in heterosexual relationships. Smart, witty, witty, and a popular blood type who often seeks attention. She falls in love quickly, but also tends to lose interest just as quickly. Although they have this tendency, they are very passionate and are very devoted to the people and things they really care about.

type B woman
Women, like men, are quite independent, and have free and spontaneous personalities and lifestyles, so they are often known as people who are fun to be around. She doesn’t care about the surroundings or the situation, and she is good at expressing her own honest feelings and thoughts. She tends to have some emotional ups and downs, so if her mood fluctuates from time to time, she is also a blood type that sometimes makes it difficult to communicate properly.



Best Blood Type Compatibility with Type B – Type AB



Oh type (O type)

type O male
Type O men are cheerful and lively, and she is kind to almost everyone, and in some ways she is said to have the best personality of all blood types. She has a lovemaking tendency with strong leadership both during the day and at night. Sometimes she tends to be overconfident or arrogant. And he’s a lot more impressionable than he seems, and he’s even emotional at times. Sometimes, fear of rejection or rejection may prevent you from expressing your emotions well.

type O woman
Type O women are known to be caring and patient. She feels the problems of others around her as if they were her own, and although she appears quite strong on the outside, she is emotionally hurt more easily than she thought or feels lonely. Also prone to lack of control in stressful situations, Oh-hyung often gets tired of caring for others around him.



Best Blood Type Compatibility with Type O – Type A



AB type (AB type)

type AB male
Generally more introverted than average, AB men often make a hard first impression, but are actually quite honest and considerate of others, and are romantic blood types. Also, when any problems arise, they tend to forgive the other person well in relationships between friends and lovers. He has a tendency to adapt well to new circumstances or changes, but also gives up easily if his expectations are not met.


type AB female
Type AB women are also known for their caring and thoughtful personalities. Sometimes she looks confident but inside she has some insecurities or unstable psychology. They have a strong tendency to be shy to people they meet for the first time, and their interpersonal relationships are not active overall. So, rather than forming extensive relationships with other people, she tends to enjoy her own world and time more. She prefers to be with people she is already close to, rather than making new changes or forming relationships. However, she hates meddling in her privacy or time too severely, even between close friends and lovers.



Best Blood Type Compatibility with Type AB – Type AB



In this way, we briefly looked at the basic tendencies and personalities of men and women according to each blood type, and also looked at the blood type that best matches each blood type. In fact, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but to me, who has the 5th blood type, the blood type of the opposite sex that I feel fits me the most in my life is type A. Above, it is said that brother Oh fits best with brother A. But that doesn’t mean you’re unconditionally attracted to the opposite sex. Rather, the opposite sex that had been in a relationship the longest was non-type. In fact, there is no scientific basis for blood type compatibility or personality. And why the hell did anyone start talking about blood type compatibility or how in Korea? There is no official record of this either.