혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of marriage certificate

We will tell you how to issue a marriage certificate online.

If you are still going to the community center for financial transactions or to submit a marriage certificate to a public institution, please get it issued online now.

혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급


The Internet issuance of a marriage certificate can be done through the Supreme Court’s electronic family relation registration system. 혼인관계증명서 인터넷 발급

In order to obtain a marriage certificate through the Internet, various security programs and logins are required on the homepage. 좋은뉴스 

Check out the contents below.



Issuance of marriage certificate online

1. Transfer of Supreme Court Electronic Family Relations Registration System

2. Get a security program

3. Option to issue a family relation register

4. Authenticate yourself with a public certificate

5. Enter additional information to verify your identity

6. Marriage certificate selection

7. Choose an option


In the options, you have to choose whether to do it in general or detailed, and whether or not to disclose your resident registration number.

You can follow the guidelines provided by the institution requesting the issuance of the marriage certificate.


If you need to issue an English marriage certificate online, it is said that it can be issued free of charge through the same Supreme Court electronic family relation registration system.


If you click Apply for Issuance after setting this, the marriage certificate is included in My Civil Petition History.

Check the printer connection and print it to complete the Internet issuance of the marriage certificate.




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Until now, it was the method of issuing a marriage certificate online.