내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것 What you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

What can be learned with the National Learning for Tomorrow Card
worker unemployed incumbent
Eligibility to apply for the Tomorrow Learning Card
The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a system that helps incumbents, workers, and the unemployed with job training when they acquire national technical qualifications, change jobs or start a business in a new field. What can be learned with the National Learning Card for Tomorrow? And how to find it? We will recommend what you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card, and we will also give you a detailed look at the basic search method for finding online lectures and academies and the search method centered on the employment rate.

내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것

1. What can be learned with Tomorrow’s Learning Card 내일배움카드로 배울수 있는것
What is the National Learning Tomorrow Card?
First of all, let’s look at what the National Tomorrow Learning Card is. From 2020, the system that was previously divided into the Tomorrow Learning Card for the unemployed and the Tomorrow Learning Card for the incumbent was integrated into one, the National Tomorrow Learning Card. Even if your status changes from unemployed to worker, you can continue to use it.
Anyone with a certain income or less can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card, and those who need new learning can receive training expenses from the government to obtain a license or learn practical skills. 좋은뉴스 

job search
Eligibility for Application
Most people can apply for the Naeil Bae-eum Card, including the unemployed over 15 years of age, non-regular workers, those with a monthly salary of less than 3 million won, the unemployed, and housewives, as Korean citizens who want vocational training.


For detailed application qualifications and how to apply for issuance of the Naeil Baeum Card, please refer to the following article.

How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card HRD-Net 2022 college student revisions

How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card HRD-Net 2022 college student revisions

How to apply for the issuance of the National Tomorrow Learning Card Reform in 2022 Conditions for issuing the National Tomorrow Learning Card


The training cost for the Naeil Learning Card varies from 3 million won to 5 million won per person, depending on the income level. In addition, the higher the average employment rate, the more training expenses are supported, and the full amount of training expenses is supported for national period, strategic job training, and specialized training in general high schools.


2. Recommended things to learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card
There are a lot of things you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card. Most of the things you are looking for are certification related.


◈ What you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card related to certification

Forklift and excavator driver
skin beautician
nursing assistant
Social Worker Level 1, Level 2
Computer Accounting Level 1, Level 2
Computer literacy – Excel, word processor, etc.
There are several courses to obtain certifications.

In addition, there are many lectures on existing occupations such as taxation, interior design, web programming, chef, and baking, and lectures on new digital technologies such as drones, Internet of Things, and 3D printers are also attracting attention these days.

Below, we’ll take a closer look at the basic search method for finding courses that suit your interests and how to find courses with a high employability rate.

What You Can Learn with Tomorrow’s Learning Card

3. What you can learn with Tomorrow’s Learning Card: Classification
What can be learned with the National Tomorrow Learning Card can be classified into two major categories.


It is divided into national key/strategic industry occupations and general occupations.

National basic/strategic industry occupations: construction, electronics, machinery, automobiles, drones, VR, 3D printers, IoT, etc. (full support for training expenses)
General occupations: Hairdressing, cooking, accounting, baking and confectionery, barista, nursing, etc. (with a certain percentage of self-pay)
and received from institutions such as academies

Tomorrow Learning Card Collective Training

It is divided into online lecture courses (internet lectures) that can be done at home.


If you access the vocational training portal HRD-Net site, you can set the region, field, and period to search for online lectures and cram school lectures on what you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card in detail.


Vocational training portal
Tomorrow’s Learning Card – What You Can Learn – Vocational Training Portal

If you click on the field, you can find it in order from the major category to the medium, small, and three categories. The main classification is as follows.

Business management / business management, accounting, office work / finance, insurance / education, nature, social science / law, police, firefighting, prison, national defense / health, medical / social welfare, religion / culture, art, design, broadcasting / driving, transportation / Business sales / Expenses, cleaning / Use, accommodation, travel, entertainment, sports / Food service / Construction / Machinery / Materials / Chemicals / Textiles, clothing / Electricity, electronics / Information and communication / Food processing / Printing, wood, furniture, crafts / Environment, Energy, Safety / Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


If you select a major category, you move to the next step in turn, and you can select one by one.


Vocational training category
Classification of things you can learn with tomorrow’s learning card

After selecting a field on the first page, you can search in more detail on the next page. Select a region, select a job seeker or a worker in training type, and select the National Tomorrow Learning Card.


Vocational Training Course
Tomorrow’s learning card – what can be learned – how to search

After selecting the date that suits you from the class start date, you can perform a more detailed search according to your situation by selecting More search conditions below.


time selection
Tomorrow’s Learning Card – What You Can Learn – Additional Search

◈ The job training portal can be accessed directly from the link below.


👉Go to the vocational training portal HRD-Net

4. What you can learn with the Tomorrow Learning Card: Based on the employment rate
In addition to the method of finding what you have always wanted to learn, there is a method of finding based on the employment rate. It’s difficult on mobile, and it’s a way to find it on a PC.

Select Training Course > National Tomorrow Learning Card Training Course from the top menu of your PC.


search option
Tomorrow’s Learning Card – What can be learned – Based on employment rate

The courses will then appear below you without having to select any other options.


lecture – example
With Tomorrow’s Learning Card – what can be learned – employment rate

If you refer to the figure above, you can select the employment rate by job type of training institution in descending order from the selection options.

Then, the lectures with a 100% employment rate will come out in order. There are some courses that are fully supported by the government and some that you have to pay at your own expense.


The web design lectures below are fully funded by the government as national strategic training.


Tomorrow’s learning card lecture
Tomorrow’s learning card – what can be learned – employment rate – full support

The confectionery technician certification lectures below have an out-of-pocket fee.


Tomorrow’s Learning Card – Collective Lecture
Tomorrow’s Learning Card – What can be learned – Employment rate – Self-burden

In addition, you can choose whether to take a collective course or an online lecture.


▣ Among the collective courses, examples of courses with an employment rate of 100 are as follows.

▶Things you can learn with Tomorrow’s Learning Card 100% employment rate group course


Confectionery Technician Certificate (Practical) Acquisition Course
[Digital Design] Mobile Web & App Design (Web Publisher, jquery, vue.js)
[Course Evaluation Qualification] Mechanical Design Industrial Engineer Acquisition Course (A)
cafe dessert practice
Bakery Technician Certificate (Practical) Acquisition Course
Introduction to motorcycle maintenance
(mechanical design production) computer application using CAD/CAM
(Internal line construction) training of electricians and qualifications for electrical technicians
(Beginner) Nail Art (Use of Decorations & Polish Art)
Nursing Assistant Qualification Course B

For examples of lectures in online courses, see:


▣ Online course employment rate 63


Logistics manager qualification pass class (theory + problem solving)
Trade training course (theory + problem solving)
Instagram marketing (employment rate 59.7)

In addition to searching based on the employment rate, it is also recommended to refer to the excellent training course for the National Tomorrow Learning Card on the job training portal site.


Vocational training – recommended course
With Tomorrow’s Learning Card – What You Can Learn – Excellent – Training Course
Above, we looked at the recommended list of things to learn with the National Learning Card for Tomorrow, the basic search method, and the search method centered on the employment rate. We hope this helps you find the right course for you.