세금포인트 사용법 How to use tax points

What is a ‘tax point’? 1. Granting ‘tax points’ for taxes paid by individuals, corporations, and small and medium-sized businesses 2. Exemption from collateral in case of extension of payment deadline and deferment of tax collection by using tax points received 3. Provision of benefits such as discount purchase of excellent SME products 4. This … Read more

국세청 고객센터 IRS Customer Center

National Tax Service Home Tax Customer Center Call Center phone number and speed dial number Year-end tax settlement, personal business VAT report, certificate issuance, electronic invoice issuance, cash receipt issuance, inquiry, business registration, etc. There are so many services to offer, it can take a while to find a menu. Every time I use Hometax, … Read more

한전 고객센터 KEPCO Customer Center

Connection to KEPCO customer center phone number / Connection to Korea Electric Power Corporation counselor / Phone number to inquire electricity bill / Direct transfer request phone connection / Electrical consultation     In this post, we are going to learn about KEPCO’s customer center (electrical consultation/report of trouble, etc.) 한전 고객센터 The customer center … Read more

차량가액 조회 Vehicle price inquiry

In order to receive support from various welfare systems such as employment incentives, basic pension, health insurance, happy housing, basic recipients, and national scholarships, if the standard amount of property as well as income is exceeded, you may not be eligible and may not receive payment. In particular, property may be at a disadvantage if … Read more

보일러 교체비용 Boiler replacement cost

What is the boiler replacement subsidy? Boiler replacement subsidy The Boiler Replacement Subsidy is a system that supports the installation of low-NOX eco-friendly boilers that reduce carbon emissions by lowering nitrogen oxides that cause fine dust and improving energy efficiency. In addition, the installation of eco-friendly boilers has become mandatory in accordance with the Air … Read more