주업종코드 확인서 Main business code confirmation

How to issue main business code confirmation If you’re looking at that article, you’re probably in one of two categories. 1) Workers who need loans from the Small and Medium Business Administration 주업종코드 확인서 2) The employer and personnel manager who is checking what the “main occupation code confirmation letter” is at the request of … Read more

신용카드 보험료 납부 Credit card insurance premium payment

Let’s look at how to pay insurance premiums by credit card (non-life insurance/life insurance). Different insurance companies have different policies on how to pay premiums by card. For example, the most common methods are automatic payment through a customer center agent, monthly application or credit card payment by contacting the customer center. The types of … Read more

평생교육바우처 신청 Lifelong Education Voucher Application

What is a Continuing Education Voucher? This is a lifelong education voucher provided by the government so that learners can decide their own lifelong education activities according to their living conditions and educational level. With the current application period, today we will learn more about the qualifications and how to apply for the lifelong education … Read more

공무원 정근수당 Civil servants’ regular attendance allowance

What is the regular attendance allowance for public officials and the additional payment for the regular attendance allowance? Regular attendance allowance for public officials is one of the bonuses, and is paid as follows on the pay day of January and July each year according to the number of years of service. However, public officials … Read more

에어컨 이전 설치비용 Air conditioner transfer installation cost

Air conditioning was previously installed. It’s not important that I did the previous installation. I’ve looked for many articles on the Internet about the cost of the previous installation, but there are too many advertisements, so I’m going to actually do the previous installation and post the cost I paid. So please just take note. … Read more