KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

kcp nhn how to view Korea cyber payment details
When paying online, it may be indicated as nhn Korea Cyber Payment in the payment details. Let’s look at how to check the payment history when it is marked as kcp or nhn Korea cyber payment rather than the trade name for a specific company.


KCP 결제내역



kcp, nhn Korean cyber payment history inquiry method. KCP 결제내역
KCP payment can be seen as a payment agency that proceeds with the approval process of card payment between the Internet shopping company and the user when a customer user makes an Internet payment. 좋은뉴스 


Therefore, it will be indicated in the payment details as nhn Korea cyber payment or kcp payment, not the specific online shopping mall company.

Inquiry of difficult-to-understand information through regular payment
These days, there are many cases where monthly regular payments are automatically linked, so when the time comes, a text message such as automatic payment from each card company will come.


However, in this case, it is difficult to know the exact payment information such as the name of the store or contact information. This is how you can check your payment history at this time.

How to check kcp, nhn Korea cyber payment details
Since it is not searched on mobile, you can search transaction details through the PC version.





After accessing the kcp homepage, click the transaction history inquiry button in the center of the screen.
Select the payment method used for payment (credit card, bank transfer, bank transfer)
In addition, after selecting other payment methods such as mobile phone payment and phone payment,
Enter your card number,
After selecting the approval number or email, select the payment amount and transaction date.
If you do not remember the authorization number, you can check it through the credit card company.
If you click the Inquiry button, you can check the exact payment details for the store name, contact information, and transaction date.
For more details, please refer to the kcp homepage
I learned how to search nhn Korean cyber payment history. You can search the payment history from January 1 of the previous year to the current transaction, and if it is not searched, you can check it through the customer center consultation time.