우체국보험 고객센터 Postal Insurance Customer Center

Postal insurance customer center phone number, cancellation method, and connection to a counselor

Find out the customer center phone number of Postal Insurance and how to cancel your insurance. As the post office provides financial services in addition to postal services, many people have purchased insurance products. There are various types of insurance, and in addition to the friendly image of the post office, insurance premiums are cheaper than other insurances, so it seems to be popular.

우체국보험 고객센터

However, there are situations in which you must cancel your postal insurance inevitably. Let’s check together how to cancel postal insurance and how to use the customer center. 우체국보험 고객센터


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How to cancel post office insurance
The most accurate and quickest way to cancel postal insurance is to visit the post office financial window with your identification card and cancel it. However, if it is difficult to visit right away, you can use internet banking, applications, or call centers.


Only electronic financial contract holders can cancel the contract through post office internet banking or by calling the customer center. If you are a non-electronic finance person, you can log in and cancel through the official certificate of another institution in the postal insurance mobile application.


There are additional conditions for cancellation through internet banking or customer center phone calls. Please check the details below.

If the contract status remains normal
If the actual amount received at the time of cancellation is less than KRW 10 million
When the policyholder and the insured are the same
If the number of premium payments is 24 or more and the elapsed period is 2 years or more
Since canceling insurance is tricky, visiting the nearest post office and canceling the contract after consultation is probably the fastest and simplest way. If you are not sure whether you meet the conditions, it is a good idea to call the post office customer center and receive a phone consultation first.


Post Office Insurance Customer Center Phone Number
In addition to the postal service, there are financial services such as savings and insurance. Among them, the customer center phone number for ‘insurance’ related consultation is 1599-0100. In addition to the representative number, it is said that it is also possible to connect to 042-336-6898. Counselors can be contacted from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. It is said that you can report the loss of a card or OTP from 9:00 to 18:00 even on holidays.


Postal Insurance Customer Center Phone Number: 1599-0100 / 042-336-6898
Number when calling from abroad: 82-42-336-6898
Counselor Connection Hours: Weekdays 9:00 ~ 18:00
Loss and accident registration is available on weekends and holidays from 9:00 to 18:00.
ARS Hours: 5:00 ~ 4:00 on the other day

This is a shortened number for each insurance customer center service. If you want to connect directly to an agent, call 1599-0100 and press 0.

Speed Dial by Service

no. 1. insurance refund loan
No.2. Insurance premium payment, direct debit, change of certificate customer information
number 3. Inquiries about surgery, hospitalization, and loss insurance
4 times. Pension, insurance lapse revival, contract related inquiries
5 times. Cancellation, maturity, dividend, dormant insurance payment inquiry
Number 0: Connect with an agent

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