65세 이상 혜택 65+ Benefits

Do you know exactly what welfare benefits are for seniors aged 65 and older? Below you will find out more about the welfare policies for seniors aged 65 and older.

Find out about benefits for seniors over 65!

Seniors Age 65+ Benefits
Among the senior welfare policies, what are the benefits that support the age group of 65 years and older? Let’s find out together. 65세 이상 혜택

Welfare benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 좋은뉴스

Seniors Age 65+ Benefits – By Age
First of all, the standard of saying ‘elderly’ who can receive senior welfare benefits is applicable to those who are over 65 years old.

65세 이상 혜택

The reason why there are welfare benefits for the elderly is to guarantee a healthy and stable life for those aged 65 and older.

Benefits for Seniors 65 and Over – Summary of Welfare Policies
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and older 1) Receiving basic pension
People over the age of 65 and whose income is less than the standard for qualifying income can receive the basic pension.


You can apply at the eup/myeon office or dong community service center that has jurisdiction over the applicant’s address. The amount of basic pension and basic pension is determined according to the recognized income calculated after deduction by converting household income and property.
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 2) Senior care service
The care service has been integrated into the ‘elderly-customized care service’ starting this year. We provide care services to those who have difficulties living independently as people from the next-lowest class or recipients of basic pension.


* Services provided vary depending on health and income status
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 3) Free subway and air & train discounts
In general, I would like to think that the most familiar benefits for the elderly over 65 are transportation-related policies. I think a lot of you know~ I’ll try to summarize it one more time.


30% discount on Mugunghwa/Saemaeul/SRT/KTX, etc. 10% discount on domestic airline tickets / 20% discount on domestic passenger ships.
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and older 4) Long-term care level care benefit/insurance

If you receive a grade that meets the long-term care grade conditions, you can receive home benefit support such as visiting bathing/weekly, night protection/short-term care.

Seniors aged 65 and older 5) Free & discounted admission to museums, etc.

You can enter Korea’s national parks, national museums, palaces, and national and public art galleries for free. In addition, you can receive a 50% discount at major private facilities operated by the government and local governments.
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and older 6) Implants/dentures

There is a discount policy for implants and dentures when manufacturing implants and dentures. It’s called the 70% discount policy. You only pay 40% of the cost when making dentures and implants.

* Caution Implant: Excluding edentulous seniors/Limited to 2 pieces. Dentures: This applies to the elderly who are completely edentulous / and those who have some remaining teeth and can make partial dentures.
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 7) Inheritance system deduction

The inheritance system provides a deduction of 30 million won per person to those aged 60 or older.
Benefits for the elderly aged 65 or older 8) Discount on telecommunication fees for basic pension recipients

For those aged 65 and older, up to KRW 11,000 of monthly telecommunication fees are reduced. (* It is not automatically done, but if you are over 65 years of age, you can apply separately by visiting a telecommunications company agency)

Benefits for seniors aged 65 or older 9) Tax-exempt comprehensive savings/ interest tax reduction

For those who own a house that has been held for more than 3 years, the state provides a capital gains deduction if the house is sold within 2 years of joining the household with parents aged 65 or older. (This policy is limited to houses owned for more than 3 years!)
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 10) Deduction for preferential treatment for the elderly

In the case of dependents living with (living together) a person aged 65 or older, 1 million won per person is deducted annually. In the case of a family supporting a senior citizen aged 70 or older, a deduction of KRW 1.5 million is provided per person per year.
Seniors aged 65 and over 11) Free vaccination by the national government

Seniors aged 65 years or older can receive influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations free of charge once a year.
Benefits for seniors aged 65 and over 12) Support for jobs and social activities for the elderly
In principle, it is aimed at people over the age of 65, but some programs are also offered to people over the age of 60.


Today, we learned about the benefits policies for seniors over the age of 65 like this. Are your questions answered? Please read the contents carefully and benefit from all that apply.