한글로 한자찾기 Search Chinese characters in Hangul

When I was in school in the old days, the thing I hated the most was the Chinese character class.


It felt really difficult to force so many Chinese characters into my head. I didn’t even find it fun.

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Maybe that’s why there are many cases where I can’t even think of basic Chinese characters, but there are times when I use Chinese characters in real life more than I thought. 한글로 한자찾기


Today, if you remember the Hangul sound of a Chinese character, but can’t remember the corresponding Chinese character! I would like to guide you on how to find Chinese characters in Hangul simply. 좋은뉴스



First of all, Naver Chinese Character Dictionary and Daum Chinese Character Dictionary are representative sites that allow you to search for Chinese characters in Hangul. If you search the Chinese character dictionary on the portal site, you can check both immediately.


Both Naver and Daum Chinese dictionaries provide okpyeon search by number of copies/total strokes, Chinese character handwriting recognizer, and Chinese character search on their respective sites.




I went into Naver’s Chinese character dictionary and Daum’s Chinese character dictionary.


When you enter, a search window appears as above, and on the right handwriting recognizer / shape ruler finder is displayed.



In the case of the handwriting recognizer, if you draw a Chinese character with the mouse, a list of Chinese characters similar to the corresponding Chinese character appears.


Since we want to search for Chinese characters in Hangul, just enter the desired character in the search box.




As an example, I tried to find a Chinese character with ‘Dan’ in Korean.


As soon as you type in dan, the Chinese characters with the sound of dan and the meaning of entering dan appear. First, let’s click the search button.




When you search, you will find guidance by sound/Chinese character, word, body text, ancient proverb/idiom, number of copies, and shape.


Usually, if you search for Chinese characters in Hangul, you will be referring to the sound. A total of 154 Chinese characters with the sound of Dan appear. The most used seems to be the short one.




If you click the desired kanji, you can also check more detailed information about that kanji.


I clicked on the short column at the top. You can view the stroke order or add it to the vocabulary list, and below that you can check the number of strokes, number of strokes, four sounds, and difficulty.




Below that, you can see a menu of meanings, related words, and related idioms.


In the meaning interpretation, there are various meanings that the corresponding Chinese character has. Not only does it mean short, but it also means short, close, short of breath, not old, few/lack, short, lagging behind, foolish/vulgar, criticize, lack of, look bad, etc.




In related words, there are words made using only short Chinese characters.


As an example, there are daggers, daggers, daggers, and daggers.


So far, I have provided a guide on how to find Chinese characters in Hangul, but I hope it was helpful and I will shorten today’s article here. thank you