사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

What is Business Registration Number?
The business registration number is a unique business number assigned to a newly opened business. It is a number indicated on the business registration certificate for convenient tax purposes, and is a number that is essential for tax invoices or receipts. Ten numbers are written in the form XXX-XX-XXXXX, where each digit represents a unique number.

Business registration number search method
If you have not memorized or memorized your business registration number after registering as an individual business operator, you can check it through business registration number inquiry. Inquiry can be easily viewed on the Hometax homepage. Let’s take a step-by-step look at how to do it. 사업자 등록번호 조회

사업자 등록번호 조회
First, if you search for “business registration number inquiry” or “hometax” on the portal site, the “National Tax Service Hometax” homepage will be searched first. You can easily search on the Internet at Hometax, so please connect. 좋은뉴스

If you access the Hometax homepage, you must log in first. If you look at the top menu, there is a login button.

There are joint/financial certificates, simple authentication (private certificates), ID login, fingerprint authentication, and non-member login. In my case, I logged in through a joint/financial certificate.


After logging in, go to the Civil Application Certificate> Business Registration Certificate Reissuance menu from the top menu. You can search the business registration number in the corresponding menu.

This is the final screen for business registration number inquiry. You can check the business registration number, trade name, representative name, and approximate business address on this screen without reissuing the business registration certificate.



I learned very simply how to look up business registration numbers. If you want to issue a business registration certificate after checking the business registration number on the screen above, click the “Apply” button to proceed with issuance of the business registration certificate.


The National Tax Service Hometax website can handle most civil complaints, such as business registration number inquiry, business status inquiry, business registration certificate issuance, and business registration certificate issuance.



Business registration number inquiry site
Below is a link to the National Tax Service Home Tax, a search site. Please connect to the site and look it up.

▼Go to the business registration number search site▼

National Tax Service Home Tax



For those who are sole proprietors, there are many things that need to be issued with proof of income amount. Below is the information on how to issue a certificate of income amount. Please refer to those who need it.