화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

Commercial freight forwarders who transport other people’s cargo for a fee must obtain a cargo transport license. In this regard, we will introduce an easy way to pass the exam by providing detailed driving aptitude tests, past certification questions, expected questions, and summary data.

화물운송자격증 시험 문제

Cargo transport license
This is a qualification that is essential for driving commercial trucks in order to improve freight transportation services and prevent traffic accidents.

Trucks registered for the purpose of ‘paid transportation’ (yellow license plate for business use) 화물운송자격증 시험 문제
go. Qualification process
Step Content Operating entity
1st stage driving aptitude test Korea Transportation Safety Authority 좋은뉴스 
2nd stage qualification test registration Korea Transportation Safety Authority
11,500 won fee for taking the 3rd level qualification test
Announcement immediately after the completion of the 4th stage qualification test
Stage 5 Education for Successful Candidates (8 hours) Online Education
6th stage certificate issuance

me. Qualification conditions
20 years of age or older, driver’s license holder with at least 2 years of driving experience (Class 1, Class 2 Normal)


all. Driving aptitude test
It aims to prevent traffic accidents by scientifically measuring individual personality and psychological behavioral characteristics, correcting and educating job-related defects.

New inspection: When obtaining a new qualification (fee 25,000 won)
Qualification Maintenance Inspection: When re-employment after 3 years from the new inspection
The inspection is twice a day at 9:00 and 13:30 on weekdays, and the inspection time is about 180 minutes.
Factor Measurement factor (passing 50 points or more)
Perceptual motion moving object velocity prediction test
Vehicle stopping distance prediction test considering acceleration
Attention test (reaction, change detection)
Distance perception test (ability to estimate distance in space)
Intellectual Ability Cognitive Ability Test (Problem Solving Ability)
Perception test (dependency, independence)
Adaptive ability personality test (accident characteristics)

la. Cargo transport qualification test
60 points or more out of 100 points (48 out of 80 questions) passed

subject item
Traffic and cargo related laws and regulations 25 items
Cargo Handling Guidelines 15 Questions
Driving tips 25 questions
Transportation service 15 questions
80 questions in total

mind. Freight transport license exam questions
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This site is a brokerage site for driver recruitment information, car rental sales, and driver’s license introduction.